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    'HiLiteR 1.1
    'File: syntaxdef.asp
    'Description: Syntax Definition File
    'Written By Hakan Eskici on Dec 03, 2000

    'You may use the code for any purpose
    'But re-publishing is discouraged.
    'See License.txt for additional information    


'Definitions for some elements
cDelimiterBegin = "&lt;" & "%"
cDelimiterEnd = "%" & "&gt;"
cQuote = "&quot;"
cComment = "'"
cWordDelimiters = vbTab & "&;.!^+%/()=/- "

'VBA Functions
'Functions provided by Visual Basic for Applications
sFunctions = "abs,add,array,asc,atn,chr,clear,cos,createobject,dateadd," & _
"datediff,datepart,dateserial,datevalue,day,eof,err,exp,fix,getobject," & _
"hex,hour,instr,int,isarray,isdate,isempty,isnull,isnumeric,isobject," & _
"lcase,left,len,log,ltrim,mid,minute,month,now,oct,raise,randomize," & _
"remove,rgb,right,rnd,rtrim,second,sgn,sin,sin,space,sqr,str,strcomp,tan," & _
"time,timer,timeserial,timevalue,trim,typename,ucase,val,vartype,weekday," & _
"weekdayname,year," & _

'ASP Funtions
'Functions provided by ASP Type Library
sFunctions = sFunctions & _
"lock,unlock,binaryread,appendtolog,addheader,binarywrite,clear,flush," & _
"isclientconnected,pics,redirect,write,htmlencode,mappath,urlencode," & _

'Object Specific Functions
'You may add the function names of any object
'I've added some functions of FileSystemObject and ADODB.Recordset
sFunctions = sFunctions & _
"opentextfile,readline,atendofstream," & _
"addnew,update,close,delete,find,getrows,getstring,move,movenext,moveprevious," & _

'ASP Properties
'Properties provided by ASP Type Library
sProperties = "contents,staticobjects,value,clientcertificate,cookies,form," & _
"item,querystring,servervariables,totalbytes,buffer,cachecontrol,charset," & _
"contenttype,expires,expiresabsolute,status,scripttimeout,codepage,lcid," & _

'Object Specific Properties
'You may add the property names of any object
'I've added some properties of ADODB.Connection and ADODB.Recordset
sProperties = sProperties & _

'ASP (VBA) specific language keywords
sKeyWords = "as,byval,call,case,cbool,cbyte,ccur,cdate,cdbl,cint,clng,close," & _
"const,csng,cstr,dim,do,each,else,elseif,end,erase,error,exit,explicit,false," & _
"for,function,get,global,gosub,goto,if,in,is,lbound,let,loop,new,next,not,on," & _
"option,private,property,public,redim,resume,return,select,set,sub,then,true," & _

'ASP Built-In Objects provided by ASP Type Library
sObjects = "application,request,response,scriptingcontext,server,session"

'HE: I've removed the operators other than bitwise ones;
'Because they are used many times, they generate a lot of coloring tags
'besides causing *a lot* of extra processing overhead
sOperators = "&amp;,=,>,<,<=,>=,=<,=>,+,-,/,*,<>,and,or,xor,not"
'sOperators = "and,or,xor,not"

'Split each definition string into an array
vF = split(sFunctions, ",")
vP = split(sProperties, ",")
vK = split(sKeyWords, ",")
vOb = split(sObjects, ",")
vOp = split(sOperators, ",")


Processing time: 0.56 seconds.

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