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ASP web customization project...
We started off just using cookies to store the color variables, but we've now incorporated the use of a database with each users settings and selected 'theme' and users can now create their own themes for others to use...

Well, this is the new web customization tool for any webmaster or HTML designer who wants to allow the users to change the colors and possibly other elements of their websites...

Project is still in the works, but beta 1.2 is now available...

Some implimentations of this project may be a little harder than others because it is based on the ASP DeV WorX website and stylesheets. I have included the stylesheets for this website in the zip along with an example of the usage...

Click here to try it out now!

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 CustomizeX 1.0 beta (51K)
 CustomizeX 1.2 beta (31K)
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A gente não se liberta de um hábito atirando-o pela janela: é preciso fazê-lo descer a escada, degrau por degrau.
Mark Twain


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