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ASP DeV WorX/dev site itself is a project as well. Because we believe in continous progress, this site will be developed in an OpenSource manner. You are now able to download the full site. Project documentation and code library development is in progress.
TableEditoR is a famous remote database administration tool written in pure ASP.
You may browse your tables and queries, add, edit and delete records, execute sql statements and more.
Why pay for other database administration packages when you can use TableEditoR for free. Although it's
still a Beta version, it's very functional for most of your needs.
Define surveys to collect information from the visitors of your web site. Just install and it works! Very easy to use, almost nothing to customize!
HiLiteR is a new approach to the "view source" utilities by adding extensible syntax highlighting feature.
This is a small ASP based chat app...
Now supports badword filter...
Basic ASP database driven hit counter.
OpenForum is an initial framework for page-level integrated forums. It's not intended to be a fully-featured forum application but rather a simple and efficient forum base.
ASP web customization project... We started off just using cookies to store the color variables, but we've now incorporated the use of a database with each users settings and selected 'theme' and users can now create their own themes for others to use...
With myDeV the user gets the ultimate experience when visiting your website. Personalization is almost a must nowadays...
With this little application you can show who exactly is currently visiting your site,
including the page that they are on...
The mini messenger project is similar to those other messaging applications like ICQ and AIM, but it is intended for use on membership websites so users can converse with one another on a personal level in private without the hassle of other users conversations interupting theirs like in chat.
Frase |
A aventura não está fora da pessoa, mas dentro dela. |
David Grayson |