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Mini chat
Versão1.21 beta
Páginas Visitadas19736
This is a small ASP based chat app...
Now supports badword filter...

New in version 2.1
Chat users list
You can now see a list of who else is online

Profanity filter
I have added a filter for bad words so Mini chat is better for sites which don't want to have to deal with the problem of abusers!!!

Well, this is one of my first apps, please feel free to download, install, delete, update, rearange, re-innovate or whatever else you want.

This is a fairly compact chat application which is written totally in ASP.

If you change it in any way, please post a copy here for others to see and it may be incorporated in the next edition of mini chat...

Try it out here...

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 Mini chat 1.0 (15K)
 Mini chat 1.21 beta (15K)
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 Cartão Postal

Maturidade pressupõe senso de humor e um certo desprendimento das coisas da vida, o que confere ao indivíduo um espírito esportivo e faz com que ele saiba conviver e até rir das próprias limitações.


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