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OpenForum is an initial framework for page-level integrated forums. It's not intended to be a fully-featured forum application but rather a simple and efficient forum base.

Introduction The main functional difference between OpenForum and other classical forums is the integration. You can display the forum in any of your existing asp pages with a single call. OpenForum will preserve the existing querystring of the url if there is any. The functionality is based on Uwe Keim and Chris Maunder's CodeProject Forum. Their implementation uses a server-side C++ ActiveX Dll which might not be feasible in all cases. So I've tried to develop similar functionality with pure ASP. I have taken some ideas but not used any of their code. See the reading "Credits" for the list of people I'd like to thank for this project. If you need a site-level forum, with many features, administration, and support, I recommend Snitz Forums. Their site is powered by TableEditoR and StatCounteX ;) For a quick start, check out the readings section. It's better to begin with the Install Guide. Please read all the documents listed here This project is not officially supported by ASP DeV WorX. However, you may use the feedback tools on the site to report bugs, ask questions or recommend features. And of course, you can use OpenForum tool at the bottom of each page for your feedback.
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 OpenForum 1.2 beta (31K)
 OpenForum 1.1 beta (30K)
 OpenForum Access 97 DB (5K)
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Tornar o simples complicado é fácil; tornar o complicado simples, isso é criatividade.
Charles Mingus


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